Veterans' Day 2002
These are some shots that Cabell took at the NCMVPA Lunch at the Golden Corral in Cary, North Carolina on a slightly damp Veterans' Day. We had three military vehicles show up and participate in the event with several other members attending without vehicles. We had a great time talking to folks who came by the restaurant. A big hit was Andy's Ferret.

Jim and Andy talk Ferret

Andy and his Ferret

Andy is trying to start the Ferret the old fasion way

Cabell's M37 and Amnon's M35A2

Cabel's M37

Rear view of the M37 and M35

Columbia S.C. show (sent by Joe Trapp & Ben LeFever)

Ben riding around in the VW Kubelwagen.

Joe's Deuce (S.C.)

Ben's Kubelwagon (S.C.)

Scott & Phil Weiner, manning the MG42 in front of Ben's Mog

Waxhaw Show and Ceremony (sent by Dan Pinkham)

Dan Pinkham's M37 and Andy Hinson 1942 Dodge 1/2 ton

Pre Ceremony

Dan's M37B1 rear shot

Court House

Dan's M37B1 & Andy's Dodge 1/2 ton

Andy's 1942 1/2 ton w/ Ben-Hur Trailer

Andy's 1/2 ton Dodge

Andy's Dodge and Dan's M37

Side shot of Dan's M37

Front shot of Dan's M37

For more pictures look at Cabell's page